Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Am I right that way !?!

I have just returned from the Inspirational session of Mr. Sujit Lalwani held at the NAME (Putalisadak) premises today at 3 pm. Indeed, it was a one-of-its-kind seminar on motivation by the expert on this field. Besides the true inspiring stories and the quotes that he shared in between, I personally found his delivery truly interesting, exciting and enthralling. “Am I right that way?!”- This was his frequent one-liners but of course a powerful one. After a powerful delivery of indeed high-toned words that undoubtedly raised hairs on the skin of ech and every person sitting or standing in the hall, he exclaimed in his own style, “AM I RIGHT THAT WAY?” Of course, the audience had their own way of replying- A big round of applause!

Mr. Sujit Lalwani
Before you continue reading, I would want to share a task with you that Mr Sujit Lalwani did in the session today. Believe me, do it, you will enjoy and the same time learn a lesson that you have never learnt before. SO please do not ignore this request.

Take a pen and paper. Just write, on the top of a sheet, the number of zeros you think you can write in one minute. May be 50, 100, 200, etc. Now set the timer to 60 seconds and start wrting just 0s. As fast as you can, as much as you can. Imagine you are filling a Blank cheque with just “1” at the beginning and you need to put as many 0’s as you want in minute.

Now count them and put the number beside the earlier figure. Compare. Results?? I am sure you have surpassed your own expectations from yourself. May be in multiples.

The lesson? You have unlimited potential within you that you yourself are unaware of. Unleash it. Take that step to initiate and no sooner will you learn that the previously imagined “uphill task” isn’t so any more. You will exceed. Unless you attempt, there are no results. And with the vision to achieve it, you shall succeed.

And to this I add the gist of yet another beautiful story that Mr. Lalwani shared on unraveling the difference between हकीकत (Reality) and विश्वास (Belief). Of course, there is very subtle and inspiring difference: you will die is हकीकत, but you will die with a difference is your विश्वास. And to this I again add another exciting point that he made: We plan what to wear in the party, in the morning, at college, at farewell and so on. We work out our menu for the birthday party, for the picnic. We know, nothing is certain on the matters and issues that we are planning and deciding. Nevertheless, we plan and plan for the uncertainties. But have we ever planned for the certainty? Nothing is certain but Death. Have we ever given a moment’s thought on how we would want to remember after we have passed away?  Do we want to welcome our death like that if the stray dog?

To this, I, yet again relate the real story of Sir Alfred Nobel that Mr. Lalwani shared. Nobel incidently saw his own photo in an obituary column of a newspaper with a end note something like this: “We are happy that he passed away”. What a shame, Nobel thought to himself. He took it as a serious challenge to his life. And then he started his relentless journey of his life and accredited more than 350 patents in his name. And the world remembers him every year on the Nobel Prize ceremony, year after year, generations after generations.

Yes, Mr. Sujit Lalwani. You are right when you said that when a person fears losing, he remains a loser, but when a person fears remaining a loser, he succeeds. You are absolutely right when you claimed very profoundly that never compare yourself with others, and if you ever need to compare, compare yourself. Compare your past, with the present along with the future that you have dreamt for yourself and then find out the gaps and the places where you need to deliver, struggle and proceed.

Finally, I come down to share what really incited me to share all this. After the session, when Mr. Lalwani called for a few volunteers to march forward to share what they had to over the entire session, almost 18 young enthusiasts ventured. Many, among them, shared that it was the first time that were speaking in front of a large mass. I was delighted. His session at last paid off. Some of them even shared that they have now learnt a new way of looking at their own lives. They sensed a power I them to change the face of the world. Amid all these, a thought came to my mind: how nice would it be, when every Nepalese was inspired and motivated the same way as these young boys and girls are. How nice would it be when every Nepalese took the challenge of changing the face of the entire world, beginning Nepal itself. And how nice would it be to see Nepal’s new face that every Nepalese has envisioned?

Am I right that way!?!

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