I am very happy today.
In fact, my happiness knows no bounds on this great day of May the twenty-ninth
of 2012. To the world, the reason might be different. But I am sure you know
the actual reason behind my gladness. It’s not about me; it’s about ‘my’. I bet
you are aware of it. That is why at times I feel that you know me better than
myself. I am indeed proud to have you in my life, no matter a little later.
The timely suggestions,
the moral boosters. The late night shifts at your house and the instant calls
for follow-ups. I am sure I am going to miss all these for at least a few years
from now. I don’t know if I can ever become a person like you who sees
solutions and not just problems in every matters of life. The real life
experiences of your life that you shared with me when I get into troubles were
always a dose of optimism to me. I know that you are very caring and helpful
and joyful and thoughtful. But it seems to me that I enjoy a lot of those from
you rather than anyone else (this could make a lot of them envy me! ;)) Yet
again, it was your constant suggestion and encouragement that I have started
off with this Blog. However, here, I would like to borrow a phrase “Have I made
it large?” from my inspiration to my continued blogging zeal so that I can ask
my readers if I have succeeded in portraying you in my life.
As I sat down to
dedicate this blog post to you, I realize that it’s my Eleventh post this May
as well as in my Blogging history (J I started the
Blog in May itself!). They say that Eleven is a lucky and fortunate and good
number (after 7). I am once again delighted to dedicate my Eleventh Post to
you. And as a retrospect my past, I find that I met you for the first time in
my life during my admissions for the Eleventh grade after my SLC. And as I peep
into the near future, I discover that I have an-all-new journey set for my
future and career from the Eleventh of June (as I will be moving for Delhi from
Nepal for my MBA at FMS) which I know would have been a dream to me if I keep
aside your relentless efforts along with me to fulfill my applications (I hope
you remember the formalities to be done with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
along with the sending of my Relevant Original Documents to New Delhi through
your acquaintance via SpiceJet!) Wow, what a co-incidence of Elevens.
And let me add to this what stroke me at this moment- the movie Ek aur Ek
Egyarah starring Govinda and Sanjay Dutt. May be, if I
had stayed with you together in Nepal for a few more years, we could have been
the real life casts of that reel-life!
I hope you will like this
small gift from my side as I thought to gift you with something that belonged
to me, entirely me. How nice it seems to me to gift you with a technical and
ICT-related gift- through my personal blog post dedicated entirely to you!
I don’t know if I have
done justice in recognizing you as my Unsung Hero, but I would sincerely like
to defend or rather explain my connotations behind the selection of this title.
I didn’t know you at all some 7 years ago. You were none other than anyone to
me before that, just like any stranger passing by. You were neither any so-called
relative to me nor any distant relations of our acquaintance. No relations of
blood either. You are neither my father, nor my uncle. Neither was I anyone so
special to you. But yet, over the years, you have made me all the more special
to have you as my friend, my elder brother, my mentor and my guardian.
Your contributions,
large and small, are very very monumental and extra-ordinary. I am certain that
they weren’t extended out of any moral liability or obligation (just like the
duty of a father towards his son, or a responsibility of a teacher over his disciple)
and neither did you have any sort of vested interest in your unconditional
support and love towards me. Let me become selfish at this instance, I am too
proud to have you as the most Special person in my Life-long odyssey.
You have taken a great
leap from No one to The Most Special Person and that’s why I take you as my Unsung
Hero. I love you for what you are, I salute you. You once said in my house, “I
can never be Vipul” but here I say to you, “No need to become, you are great as
you are. You remain as my dearest Amit Dai, forever and ever.”
So, Have I made
it large?!?
P.S.: I am still awaiting
a perfect moment to provide a platform for another outflow of my feelings for
the Unsung Heroine of my life whom I met still a bit later in my life. I
don’t know if I can and should name her or not, but yes, she too deserves the
tag of ‘my unsung heroine’ in my life.